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Handicraft. How to Win Effortlessly the Day-To-Day Backwater Once and for All. A Series of Articles.

Рукоделие. Как выйти из рутины повседневности. 1-я часть

The hustle and bustle of megalopolis, pressure from work, household and (oh, dear) age issues, troubles of romantic life, stress, inflation, insomnia, energy-sapping combat against excess pounds – this endless tangle of concerns makes those weak in spirit passively await the final defeat, and those who are strong – actively search for the way out of the seemingly hopeless backwater of the everydayness. We search and – through help of friends, Internet or advertising – find: another diet, miracle-working pills, one more extraordinary keep-fit system, fancy set of exercises, the best massage therapist, a unique mental health counselor and so on…

How many efforts, time, energy and cash we have spent on this search! How many disappointments and negative emotions have them brought! Lucky are those who, after having immersed into the eastern meditation techniques, learnt to “escape” into other worlds keeping neutral, and sometimes bitterly indifferent attitudes to what is going on here. But only few of us can enjoy this gift (which might be for the better, though!). And what is left for ordinary mortals, for restless and sinful people, who lack a thing or two to overcome their female (quite pleasant, though) weaknesses, and since Monday, since THIS VERY MONDAY…

And in the meantime, there is really a magic remedy known to our remote ancestors that we, unreasonable as we are, have stripped of our life as useless, taking pride in being emancipated, intelligent, occupied (how they will do without us?!), educated and modern. This remedy called FEMALE HANDICRAFT has almost completely fallen into disuse for the last fifty years. Now only few individuals, black sheep, ignore contemptuous, disparaging and wondering comments and keep on enthusiastically choosing color of the mouline threads, knocking with knitting needles and MAKING CLOTHING FOR THEMSELVES!!! (Just imagine, they don’t have any brand clothes!).

And nevertheless, the womanhood gets the upper hand, and the forgotten words, knowledge and skills emerge from obscurity. Today, women all over the world master cross and silk stitching, hand weaving and bead weaving, felting, patchworking and quilting.

We look at their inspired faces, so serene, calm and concentrated, blessed with the breath of creativity, and painfully envy them believing that it’s beyond our reach. But the great secret of handicraft is that it is available for everybody, it is natural for every woman, no matter how old she is, irrespective of her nationality and social status.

All you have to do is to choose, across the variety of handicraft options, what WORKS BEST FOR YOU.

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